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How To Donate


The Pere Marquette Watershed Council organization is funded exclusively by donations, grants and membership dues.  It is only with this funding that the Council can continue to meet our mission statement:

 To preserve, protect and enhance the
inherent natural values of the
Pere Marquette River Watershed
through the gathering and dissemination
of information and by working with any
organization or agency for the
accomplishment of mutual objectives.


Yearly memberships are $40.00 a year.  Lifetime membership is a one- time donation of $500.  
Download Membership Application Form







Consider leaving PMWC a bequest in your Will – a way for your love and conservation wishes for the Pere Marquette River and Watershed to continue in perpetuity. A charitable bequest in your Will is a simple way of making a lasting gift that benefits the river forever.  Donations may be made directly to the Pere Marquette Watershed Council, P.O. Box 212, Baldwin, MI 49304.


Monetary donations are always accepted towards our general fund.  100% of donations are utilized strictly for habitat and stream projects, not for operating costs.  Material donations, in the form of items suitable for the Annual Fundraising Auction are accepted throughout the year.  Donations may be made directly to the PMWC via this PayPal link

 or by sending to: Pere Marquette Watershed Council, P.O. Box 212, Baldwin, MI 49304. Arrangements for pick-up of material items can be made by emailing us at





In the 1930’s a photographer from Grand Rapids would frequently camp along the Pere Marquette River to fish his favorite stretch – just below the Forks.  Following the Second World War he purchased one of the few private sites between The Forks and M-37 and built his dream cabin across from the Shrine of the Pines.  He was active on the Watershed Council’s Board of Directors and kept vigil over his favorite waters.  In their Last Wills, Jack and Lillian Jarvis left a $20,000 bequest for habitat improvement in this section of the river.  To contribute additional funds to this Fund to be used between The Forks and M-37, please send donations to the Pere Marquette Watershed Council, P.O. Box 212, Baldwin, MI 49304, side-marked “Jarvis Fund”.



The Nolph Fund was begun to honor the late Zimmi Nolph for his many years of work on the PM River.  Mr. Nolph, a riparian on the Flies Only section of the main stem of the Pere Marquette River, was a fisherman, guide and conservationist.  He worked tirelessly, stabilizing stream banks, creating fish habitat and assisted with fish plantings.   Monies from the Nolph Fund are earmarked for erosion control, trout cover/large woody debris or education/research relating to the entire length of the PM River system.  Donations may be made directly to the Pere Marquette Watershed Council, P.O. Box 212, Baldwin, MI 49304, sidemarked “Nolph Fund”.




The Fred & Eleanor Mans Endowment Fund, managed by the Lake County Community Foundation, was created by their daughter, Ellen Mans Kerans in 1995 to honor her father and his love of fly fishing and her mother for her love of music.  One half of this fund’s yearly disbursements go to support a local music series with the second half to PMWC for habitat and streambank projects in the Flies Only section of the Pere Marquette River.  Mr. Mans was a Pere Marquette riparian who enjoyed fly-fishing the Flies Only waters as well as throughout the United States and abroad.  To donate to this Fund go to the Lake County Community Foundation for more information, or mail a donation to: Lake County Community Foundation, Fred & Eleanor Mans Endowment Fund, P.O. Box 995, Baldwin, MI 49304.



The Pere Marquette Watershed Council Endowment Fund was established with the Lake County Community Foundation as a means to cover operating costs through the yearly disbursements.  To date, PMWC has not taken the disbursements, but rather reinvested them back into the Fund so that it might grow more quickly.  The Fund has indeed grown rapidly, with the current Fund balance of over $56,900.00.  It is entirely conceivable that the disbursements in the future will not only cover operating costs, but will also fund Council stream restoration projects as well.  To donate to this Fund go to the Lake County Community Foundation for more information, or mail a donation to: Lake County Community Foundation, PMWC Endowment Fund, P.O. Box 995, Baldwin, MI 49304.


PMWC is an non-profit 501(c)3 organization
Contributions are tax deductible within the limits of federal tax regulations.

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Baldwin, MI 49304, USA

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